Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Studio - A Work in Progress

Posted on 11:09 AM by follow me

 I've been a busy bee around here lately. I've been fluffing the nest. I have finally finished unpacking every single box and finding a home for every single thing.
 I finally got my studio in order. It's still not organized but it is all here and already working its inspiring magic on me, getting me in the right frame of mind for a project I need to work on before I meet up with a Silver Bella friend on Monday.

 I haven't been around much lately. I've been busy living life. Big things have been going on around here. Good big things.
 I am truly just loving life these days. I'm filled up with joy.

 Walking in to this room that has such a history of sustaining me and feeding my soul is giving me such comfort.
 I'm not quite done here yet.
 I still need to find a new home for my cozy brown sofa and find a piece of furniture that will provide extra storage to replace it.
 I surely have a serious storage issue here.
 On the other hand, that forces me to have all my pretty bits out where I can see them.
 That is part of the experience of being in this room.
 Part of why this room gives me so much joy.

 My studio is most definitely the room in my home that most expresses my taste.
 I look forward to the day when I can say that about my entire home. For now, this will do.

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