Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Little Bubbly...

Posted on 9:54 PM by follow me

I was de-mercuring some more vintage glass
bulbs this weekend ala Andrea @ VINTAGE BELLA

both of whom seem to have a knack for it that
I cannot master...

This time, for the bulb drying, I used the glasses
that are still sitting on my counter from last
Thursday's party (see! beyoooooooooooond lazy!)

I tossed the tiny ones into a champagne glass
and it reminded me of "bubbly" and then my
mind started going... how cute would that be
for a centerpiece? For New Years, or whenever...

So, made a couple tags...

and added a bit of frou-frou...


The glasses should probably be filled at least
half way and the frou-frou more focused, but
this was just a prototype...I think it's kinda

And this is what happened to my "staging area"
the nano-second after I took the glasses away!!!

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