Thursday, November 1, 2012

Faux Grain Sack Chair

Posted on 8:00 AM by follow me

Here is my latest project, a chair transformation.

Before: very, very ugly. This is even after I removed the very ugly and dirty fabric on the seat. I got a little excited about this redo and tore off the fabric before I remembered to take a picture. But trust me, it was a very dirty, red & white checked material--I couldn't get my hands on it fast enough.

I used about 3 coats of white paint, then added a very large number 6 to the front (picked to represent the number of people in our family). I just printed off the number, cut it out and traced using a pencil. Then filled it in with black paint.

I heavily distressed the chair by sanding, then using a walnut stain applied liberally. I didn't plan on staining so much at first, but when I saw up close my paint job in certain areas, I decided this would be better than having to do yet another coat of white paint.

For the fabric, I made my own faux grain sack fabric. Using basic muslin and some masking tape, I taped off varied stripes and filled in using a gray acrylic paint. Then pulled off the tape to reveal this ...

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