Monday, November 5, 2012

Letting Go

Posted on 3:40 AM by follow me

My dear friend Shannan is coming to see me on Friday and it got me thinking about this subject that has been on my mind for awhile. I thought this would be a good time to bring it up. Shannan, feel free to print this out and read it several times before you get here.

Dear Friends,
I've decided to quit trying to be perfect. I'm not and neither is my home. I really gave it my all for awhile but to be honest, it was exhausting. I assume that if you are coming to see me it is because you care about me and want to see me and don't really care that my carpet needs to be cleaned and that I still haven't refinished the kitchen table. I assume you would rather sit with me and visit over a cup of tea in a cozily cluttered room than to sit uncomfortably in a perfectly clean museum. Here are some things I would like you to know:

-When you come to my house it will probably be a little messy. A real family with real messes lives here.
-It will probably be a little dusty. I love to vacuum but dusting? Not so much.
-Don't bring your white gloves.
-If you drop food on the floor I suggest you skip the 5 second rule and let the dog eat it.
-I like piles of things. They make me happy.
-I was going to clean for your visit but I decided my time would be better spent in the studio. As my friend I'm sure you agree since you want me to be happy.
-Never come during that time of day when the sun is streaming through the front windows and you can see every streak in my house. We will both be horrified.

I'm embracing my life. The real one. I'm sure we will both be better off for it. I know I am more comfortable in a house that isn't spotless. Now if only I could stop apologizing for the imperfections.

Pic from Country Living

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