Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Making Friends

Posted on 4:27 AM by follow me

There was a time in my life when I underestimated the importance of friends. I focused, almost solely, on my family and neglected that part of my life. I now realize how important it is to have a network of women that I can turn to in good times and bad.

Lately I have become a friendship magnet. Remember this summer when I said that I wished it were as easy to make friends as it was when we were little? Well it turns out it is. Three times in the last few months I have met women in every day situations and ended up making a connection that ended with an exchange of phone numbers. I've also developed close friendships lately with women that I already knew, but only casually. My weeks have become filled with phone calls, lunches and shopping trips. I've realized that you get back what you put out there and that girl time is very important. This has been a great lesson for me and one that I am going to start applying to other parts of my life.

I've also made some wonderful friends through this blog. I think that has amazed me most of all. It's been so gratifying to form bonds with like minded women and I am constantly amazed by the generous spirit you all have.

This weekend I received 2 reminders of that. The first was this beautifully wrapped, large copper Eiffel Tower cookie cutter along with a sweet starfish shell from Lisa at Coastal Nest. She saw it on my Christmas wish list and I think, somehow knew that Sweet Hubby wasn't getting it for me so she did. I was so touched that she thought to send me this gift and I absolutely cherish it, as well as the sentiment behind it. Lisa, you are just too thoughtful my sweet friend.

The 2nd was this wonderful all American vintage sampler sent to me by Angela of Cottage Magpie. I can't wait to use it as the centerpiece to my patriotic decorating next summer. It's a very special piece from a very special woman. Thank you so much, Angela. I will always treasure it.

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