Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Meet Millie

Posted on 11:25 AM by follow me

This is Millie. Some people think she's a dog. She's really not. All it takes is one look into those eyes to realize that. She came to live with us when she was 1. This was 4 months after we lost our first Golden that we had for 14 1/2 years. I swore I wouldn't get another dog, but really how could I say no to this face?

We found her through petfinder at a shelter about 1 1/2 hours north of us. Her original owner died of cancer and her daughter and son-in-law ended up with Millie. They didn't have time for her and took her to the shelter. It turned out her original owner lived in our town and her vet was just down the road from us. I feel sure that she was meant to be ours.

I adore this dog that I didn't even know I wanted. I thought no dog could ever compare with the dog I lost. Millie has proven me wrong and continues to do so on a daily basis. She has even tamed Sweet Hubby who insists that she sleep in our bed every night. Is there anything larger than a king size bed?

A few facts about Millie:

1) Her best friend's name is Emma

2) She loves to go for walks but will stop and refuse to go any further if it is too hot outside

3) She loves to play dress up (see picture 4)

4) She loves peanut butter and carrots, not usually together but she's not picky

5) She is ball obsessed and will push one of those big inflatable balls from Target all over the yard until she manages to pop it. She also has a small squeaky yellow ball that her Daddy throws for every night

6) She eats snow. She will run all around the yard scooping up snow as she goes (see picture 3)

7) If you don't pay enough attention to her she will quietly go bellyup (see picture 2) until you come rub her belly

8) She loves to talk

9) We call her leaner dog because she will come and lean her head on you when she feels particularly content

10) She loves us more than you can imagine and we love her twice as much as that

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