Monday, November 12, 2012

So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen

Posted on 11:43 AM by follow me

My bags are packed. Mostly. The important stuff has been tucked away and the rest will happen later today. I'm so filled with excitement about this trip. Thank you Sweet Hubby for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime and for spoiling me so much. Thank you for being so blinded by my charm that you actually think I'm worth it.

Some quick randomness before I leave for Omaha. This newest Somerset magazine is filled with an incredible amount of eye candy. If you have a creative space or wish you did, then this is worth every penny.

This is my new best friend. She actually arrived early. Does that ever happen? I've been enjoying baking for the last 5 days and to celebrate I thought I'd throw a potluck and invite all of you, my sweet friends. Come back and visit me on Tuesday and be prepared to post your favorite cold weather comfort food on your blog & to share it with us. I look forward to coming home inspired and ready to cook, bake, create and just generally be the domestic goddess I was born to be.

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