Saturday, November 24, 2012

TWILIGHT…Shrouded In Darkness

Posted on 6:52 PM by follow me

Help me out here guys….
What is the deal with TWILIGHT?

I have seen the "countdown" button for it on
some blogs, but I was just thinking it was
going to be a new TV series…

I recognized the guy in the picture as the
Diggory boy from Harry Potter…

But, until last Friday, I had no idea it was a
series of books that apparently EVERYONE
and their mother has read and is obsessed with!

Am I completely clueless????
Is this just a "thing" for screaming teens?
Do I really need to read these books???
The idea of digging into a whole series of big
new books really floats my boat, but are they
worth the time and money?

What is so great about them?
Uh, I know you all have opinions!!!
So share them…
convince me or dissuade me….
gush or growl…
I need the 411, asap!!!!

Thank you in advance for you assistance!!!! :)

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