Thursday, December 20, 2012

Four Zero

Posted on 5:25 AM by follow me

40. That's what I am today. It doesn't feel the way I thought it would. I'm not even slightly sad about it. I have a little secret. I'm actually kind of excited. You see I'm a girl that loves fresh starts and somehow a new decade feels sort of, well... big to me, like a great opportunity. A chance to really embrace who I am and make some of my dreams come true. I have this feeling deep inside that my 30's were just the wind up and my 40's will be the grand slam. There is so much to embrace about getting older. Don't get me wrong, there are a few things I could do without.

I have many hopes and dreams for this next decade. I look forward to watching my life unfold and become what it is meant to be. Here are 40 things, in no particular order, that I want to accomplish this year.

1. Worry less.
2. Dream big.
3. Open an Etsy store.
4. Live in the moment.
5. See the beauty in small moments.
6. Make sure the people I love know it.
7. Nag less or maybe even...not at all.
8. Find ways to be creative in every day life.
9. Take classes, lessons and workshops.
10. Eat healthier.
11. Be more playful.
12. Be less serious.
13. Buy a house.
14. Master making scones.
15. Master making cinnamon rolls.
16. If I don't love it or need it, get rid of it.
17. Don't use credit cards.
18. Pay off Sweet Hubby's car.
19. Don't compare myself to others.
20. Don't feel bad about the things I can't change.
21. Be an attentive Mom.
22. Have more date nights.
23. Be a good friend.
24. Put myself first more often.
25. Take tennis lessons.
26. Yoga classes.
27. Buy a good camera.
28. Let go of past hurts.
29. Read more books.
30. Choose joy.
31. Be more patient.
32. Go white water rafting
33. Exercise more.
34. Help others.
35. Love without reservation.
36. Go see a musical.
37. Listen.
38. Save more money.
39. Find more studio time.
40. Embrace the real me.

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