Saturday, December 15, 2012

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Posted on 2:29 PM by follow me

Today I'm taking you on a tour of my Village. This is what we woke up to on a recent Saturday morning. Most Saturdays begin with a walk down this street

 Festive huh?

We stop here to buy Emma her scone.

Then we take a right off of Elm Street and walk until we get to the town Christmas tree where we take another right onto Main Street.

Next we go to the coffee shop to get treats for the grown ups (Our Maddie can only rarely be convinced to join us on Saturday mornings)

Then Emma left her mark and the two of us spent some time knitting while Sweet Hubby read the town newspaper.

 Afterward we enjoyed the Christmas parade from the warmth of the yarn shop.

 Next we ventured back down Main Street to take in the sights. 

Everywhere I looked my eyes were met with Winter wonder. Truly.

I couldn't capture it quickly enough.

 It was one of the happiest days of my life. One of those days lived completely in the moment.

 I wish I could show it to each of you in person and let you fall in love with it as I have.

I don't believe it would take much convincing. This place is hard to resist. For me, clearly impossible  to resist.

We have sacrificed much to be here but those were the superficial things. We have gained the things that really matter to us.

I fall a little bit more in love every day. Can you see why?

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