Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Betty Draper Barbie...yes please.

Posted on 7:10 AM by follow me

Mad Men's Don Draper, Betty Draper, Joan Holloway and Roger Sterling have been immortalised in plastic by Mattel, who has created Barbie and Ken doll versions of the television characters. Playing house has never looked so good!

I am that an ok age to start playing house with my barbies...again. Ehem. If I was still living at home my dad would make me buy these and never let me play with them. (Stoopid collector's items). My sister and I had all the spice girl dolls...which we had to keep in the box with all their accessories "just incase they were worth something later on". (No thanks to Geri).
Mattels Mad Men dolls come complete with vintage clothing and accessories, but for obvious reasons the dolls are based on just the characters looks. Not a wandering eye, hand, martini glass or cigarette in sight!
The new dolls will be priced just under £50 ($75) and can be ordered online at or
So what are you waiting for....I have my eye on a Betty and a Don...they will love eachother forever in my story and Don will never cheat and Betty will never kiss other men...what a life. There will always be martinis though...always.

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