Sunday, January 29, 2012

Better Than Ever

Posted on 9:28 AM by follow me

Yesterday my favorite guy in the entire world turned 40. Let me tell you about him. He loves me and his girls more than anything in the world. He is brilliant and funny and sweet and handsome and nerdy. He loves music, guitar and bass, shooting skeet, dumb movies, lacrosse, college football, ninjas, drawing and architecture. By day he is a Biomedical Engineer but in his dreams he is an architect. He has an ever growing collection of reference books and will happily sit and stare at those books for hours. He loves to draw houses. Houses we might one day build and even houses he knows I absolutely will never live in (earth sheltered house, anyone?).

This year for his birthday I surprised him with this old drafting table. Now he has a space to sit and practice his dreams. Several years ago he did the same thing for me when he bought me an antique work table for my birthday. It was the first step in realizing my dream of having a studio. He's never complained about not having a space of his own. He never asks for anything, but he's always more than happy to give to us. I can't imagine a better husband, friend and soulmate. Happy Birthday Jim! I love you more than I ever imagined I could.

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