Monday, February 6, 2012

*Red Pepper Roulade*

Posted on 11:23 AM by follow me

Here is another recipe my sister found for me and thought I would like, so I thought of course of passing it on to all you lovelies.

It serves 4 and the ingredients needed are

3 red peppers
1 courgette
100g light soft cheese
1 garlic clove
ground black pepper
green salad

Preheat oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6. Halve, core and deseed three red peppers, place on a baking sheet and cook for approximately 20 minutes until softened. Remove the skins.
Lay out a piece of cling film. Lay the peppers as close together as possible in a single layer.
Using a vegetable peeler, cut strips from a courgette. Heat a griddle pan and brush with a little oil. Cook the courgette until softened. Layer over the pepper. Cool.

Mix together 100g (31⁄2oz) light soft cheese with crushed garlic and freshly ground black pepper. Spread in a thin layer over the courgette. Roll up like a Swiss roll. Wrap tightly in cling film. Place in the fridge for an hour or overnight to firm up. Serve cut into slices with a green salad.


Doesn't it just sound yummy? I will definately be trying this one. Wouldn't it be lovely for Valentine's Day too, with all that lovely red colour and in the photo they look a little heart shaped too don't they? Mmmmmm!

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