Sunday, February 5, 2012

SHOW & TELL FRIDAY! A Glitter Primer

Posted on 8:58 PM by follow me

I made a new batch!

Bee bought me a bag of starfish &
Kae bought this really boss new glitter...
so, I had no choice but to take it for a test

It's called Crystalina and it's kind of intriguing
with it's gold highlights! It practically came in a
ten gallon vat (from Shinoda) so I can do a lot
of experimenting with it!

My fav! It's fairy dust from Party Decor( and
it's about 1000 years old so they are probably
out of business now!) It's the best irridescent
I have ever owned!

Although it's virtually impossible to take a picture
that truly shows how awesomely sparklicious
German glass glitter is, this picture does show
how different it looks from even Martha's silver
glitter (which, by the way, I LOVE! It's so light
and fluffy! So, light, in fact, that you spend a lot
of time cleaning up what you have dumped all
over since the feather-light container tips over
at the slightest bump!)

Geez, can I get a gig doing glitter reviews?
Is there a PhD in Glitterology?
Maybe open a shop called "Just Glitter"!
What is it they say? "If it sparkles, they
will come"? :)
Way too much glitter talk, I know! But I always
get a lot of questions(like what ever possessed
you to put glitter on a starfish in the first place!)
when I post a glittery echinoderm, so I just
thought I Show & Tell you all!

Make sure to stop by
to see lots of pretty things...not necessarily
covered in glitter!

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