Sunday, March 11, 2012

Airing My (Not So) Dirty Laundry

Posted on 11:05 AM by follow me

It's finally done, except for tags for the baskets and a box to hold my dryer sheets. The project was larger than I thought it would be & Sweet Hubby was a saint about the whole thing. I loved working with him & I couldn't believe how patient he was and how wonderful his workmanship was. No swears and only 2 or 3 "Aww, come on"'s. My sweet man saved the day more than once and his reward was a new super-duper powerful cordless drill with a back up battery. That and a very happy wife that now enjoys doing laundry. There's method to my madness though. I will buy him whatever tools he wants as long as he keeps doing projects around the house for me. Oh and did I mention that he is the best husband ever? Hands down.

There is zero natural light in this room so these pictures are the best I can manage. The round silver thing on the wall in the 1st picture is a retractable clothes line for Maddie who, for some unknown reason, refuses to dry several of her shirts, preferring instead to hang them over the backs of my kitchen chairs. Lovely. Love all of my storage, pretty and functional at the same time.

This is the view as you walk in from the house, facing the door that leads into the garage.

I originally thought about skirting the washer and dryer but the way they slightly jut out from under the bench made me change my mind.

This is the cubby area on the right. The bench/shoe storage is below this mirror and is perfect for us as you are forced to keep no more than 3 pairs of shoes in your space.

There are 2 hooks on each wall on either side of the back wall and I think 5 hooks on the mirror. Everyone has their own basket and the storage is working out perfectly. None of us can believe how big this room seems now. That is surely not something we would have said before. In reality it isn't large, but it lives large.

The color, for those of you who will wonder, is Martha Stewart Araucana Blue from Lowes. Since I already have a reputation for loving her paint colors, I'm sure it won't surprise you. In my opinion, it is the perfect shade of pale aqua that you can find and y'all know how obsessive I can get about paint. I have already painted the girls' bathroom this color in anticipation of our next project.

We learned a lot doing this project. Plywood makes a terrible surface if you want something that looks pretty. No wall is ever level. Measure twice or maybe 10 times. Don't play Wii Fit boxing for the first time the day before you have to paint the laundry room. I hope all of these tips help you in some small way.

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