Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kae Went Away...

Posted on 9:31 PM by follow me

But just for a few days...
to an inn in south county and when
she came back...she had presents
for me! She knows I have a thing...
a literary thing...well, it might
border on idol worship...for Jane
Yes, Jane is my homie! You know how
it is...Jane was ancestors
came from England...several hundred
years ago. Jane has a sister...I have two.
Jane is a hugely famous author...
and I write this.
See! It's UNCANNY! ;)

N-E-way... Kae bought me 2 new
books, in the Jane Austen theme...

Pocket Jane wanted to get in on this too!
Doing her best Vanna White impersonation.

The illustrations are really cute!
Very Susan Branch-y.
"Guide To Good Manners"?? Is she
trying to tell me something?

Pocket Jane must really like this one!
Look at that uncharacteristic exuberance!

(Sidebar**Close-up cover detail...when
I picture my other self in the mirror, it's not usually
with a tight hair-do and itchy elbow length gloves...
it's more like a size 4 and with only one chin!)

These illustrations are hilarious! Look at the
"lady" on the the "stinketh eye" to
Miss could-have-used-about-another-inch-of-

How to ride sidesaddle???
Poor Jane!

Both book are very funny and interesting
looks into Jane's world...that seems a lot
more romantic from the nice safe distance
of a DVD!

For you enthusiasts...
Jane also highly recommends this book
filled with letters written by Mrs. Darcy
to Mrs. Bingly during their first year
of marriage.

It must have been fun to write!
Answering all the questions that we
had at the end of Pride & Prejudice.
Very intriguing!

Have a historically romantic day!

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