Sunday, March 4, 2012

Darn it, Denmark! What's The Deal?

Posted on 8:57 PM by follow me

I was ablog hoppin' and I found...well, "found"
isn't really the right word...maybe "fell into" is.
(Don't you ever feel like Alice down the rabbit hole
when you go from blog to blog to blog and have to
spend 5 minutes backing yourself out to get back to
the blog you originally started from?? Well, that's
what I get for being nosey, huh;)
Anyway, "during my travels" I found WANILLA ROSE
and saw these adorably darling tidbits!

And although it read Green Gaten on her
blog, I knew she meant GREEN GATE
(linguist that I am!) The illusive Green
Gate...rare as hens teeth!

So, I went hunting in cyberspace and
I did find their website, but you have
be Danish to order from it...
(it's not like they ask for your birth
certificate or a DNA test, but it's just
for residents of Denmark)
What is up with that? Can we really
and truly not buy these cute items?

Don't they know I have been to SOLVANG ????
I've eaten an ebilskever????
Don't they know I need them?????
I had to content myself with their on-line

I just know that if I had this...

I would suddenly look like this...

And if I had this....

My home would be transformed into this.....

And with this, would come...

adorable blond sons...
that would never fight...

And with this....

Would come a daughter who never sasses!
And won't date until she is 18...

And with this....

Would come this miraculously clean bathroom!

And with all this would come...

Oh, I dont' peace?
The Dow over 10,000?
Clothes that repelled cat hair?

WOW! It all seemed possible when
I was looking at the catalogue!

So, what is the deal with GG?
I couldn't even find it on Ebay...
where have you been able to find it?

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