Sunday, March 4, 2012

To Emma: On the Eve of Your 10th Birthday

Posted on 1:47 PM by follow me

As I write this I find myself at once amazed, joyful and sad. How is it possible that my baby is turning 10? When you were born I vowed to cherish and appreciate every moment because I already knew from raising Maddie for almost 8 years, how quickly it would go. I kept my vow and yet here we are, you insisting on growing older and me unsure how we got to this place. If I could start all over I would do so without hesitation.

You are an amazing girl. It has been a pure joy having you as my full time job. I wouldn't give back a single moment of it. You are a sweet, loving, smart, inquisitive girl with an old soul. I'm always amazed how tuned in you are to me. You look into my eyes like you can see right through to my very heart. You are an amazing combination of me and Daddy. You are the best of both of us with his big brain, sense of humor, love of math and science (also his stubbornness!) and my love of reading, writing, creating, gardening, home making and all things vintage (also my stubbornness!). As much as you are just like us, you are uniquely you. I admire that about you so much. I love that you don't care about what or who is popular. You like what you like and don't care what anyone thinks about it. That will serve you well for years to come. You are a one of a kind Nancy Drew and Little House reading, Annie soundtrack singing, story writing, vintage shopping, Paris loving, skirt and mary jane wearing, picture drawing and hat knitting wonder of a girl.

As much as I wish I could stop time right here, I also get so excited when I think of what you will be like when you grow up. I know you can do anything that you put your mind to and I hope that you never lose your spirit of excitement and wonder.

Happiest 10th Birthday to you my little Hummingbird, Butterbean, Lulubelle, Sunshine, sweet Little Bit girl.

All my love,

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