Sunday, March 18, 2012

Green with Envy

Posted on 6:25 AM by follow me

I bet y'all think the event we celebrated yesterday was simply St. Patrick's Day. At our house, we celebrated something different. Yesterday was the 9th anniversary of the day Sweet Hubby did not propose to me. Nine years ago yesterday, my sweet man took me to pick out an engagement ring, brought me home with my ring and fell asleep. Does this give you any indication as to how romantic he is? He makes up for it in many ways, like taking me to play miniature golf on our anniversary, so don't think I'm complaining. I'm sure his side of this story would be different from mine. And wrong.

Neither of us can recall exactly how or when we decided we would get married. We know it happened early in our courtship and we always remember the why. Which is sweet... but, I still take any opportunity to rub in his face the fact that he never proposed to me. To help me in this endeavor I would love to hear your romantic stories about your thoughtful, romantic proposals. And for those of you that had similar experiences to mine, feel free to share those too. Misery loves company and all that!

In all seriousness, I adore this man and I'm so grateful for almost 9 years of married bliss with him. And maybe one day he'll surprise with that proposal. He always was a late bloomer.

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