Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Posted on 6:19 AM by follow me

After being told that the cottage we had our hearts set on had already been rented and finding out that our back up rental had also been rented, we received a phone call saying the cottage was  back on the market as the original renter had to pull out. We immediately put in our application along with 2 other people, even writing a letter to the owner to charm him into choosing us. Apparently I'm not as charming as I thought. He chose to rent to one of the other applicants. We believe our 3 darling pets did us in as they would continue to do in our hunt.
After many phone calls, dead ends, many tears, and maybe a little pouting, we were down to a really crappy townhouse apartment for cheap cheap that would require me to be sedated for the next year or a really nice new condo townhouse at the top of our budget whose owner was not convinced that he wanted our pets in his rental, oh and P.S. neither of these places

Yes, you read that right. Our entire reason for going through all of this and we weren't even going to be walking distance to the good stuff.

We've spent much time scouring the Village looking for For Rent signs to no avail. Even spending Thursday, our 10th anniversary looking. Nothing.

Then Saturday dawned a new day and we made our usual morning pilgrimage. Lo and behold. A sign. Brake slamming. Cell phone dialing. Ten minutes later we had written a check for a partial months rent and a full months deposit, shaken hands and ripped that newly placed For Rent sign out of the yard and tucked it safely in the garage. That would be the single most spontaneous act of my life for those of you keeping track. I plan. I research. I consider. I do not walk into houses and write checks ten minutes later.

So we have secured a little cottage that is well suited to our needs, a very reasonable monthly rate, with flexible terms that allow us to take as long as we need to find the right house to buy, with no reservations about our pets, a garage large enough to hold the overflow of our suburban life and a location that is a few minutes walk to Main Street, Emma's school, the library and the parks and is even on the parade route.

It's not perfect. The kitchen? Well that will be an adjustment. A big adjustment. The bathroom? Just 1 of those and that tub is a might questionable. Space for guests? Well, that's going to be a bit cozy. The laundry facilities? Located in the basement/dungeon and let's just say I'll not be looking forward to laundry day for awhile. The truth is that none of that is even phasing me. Nothing is.

My dream is coming true right before my eyes. There were moments, days, weeks, when I lost faith, when I doubted every decision I have made in the last several months but now there is nothing but smiles. And relief. And excitement about what lies ahead for our family. In 2 weeks we get to go over there and start painting and scrubbing and preparing our new Cottage Nest. I can't wait to take you along on this next adventure. And I know you have all earned the right to say "I told you so".

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