Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Meet Bijou....

Posted on 12:20 AM by follow me

I know, naming a table runner is
a bit over-the-top, but we just hit
it off right away!

Bijou? Well, see-through fabric...tassels...
if you know what I mean! And she
was cheap! That is just a plain fact!

It was those tassels that lead to her
untimely demise (she lasted about a week).
But she did flaunt them...(in a cat's
mind a tassels mere existence is
"flaunting"! ).

Yes, Bijou got whacked by the Kitty Mafia
and now all I have are these pictures...and the
bittersweet memories of a young life, so full
of promise, cut short.

I'll miss her, but hopefully there
are more of her kind at the 99 Cent
Store...told ya she was cheap! ;)

Be sure to stop over at
for more PSF!

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