Friday, May 25, 2012

Great Finds and a Giveaway

Posted on 4:51 AM by follow me

My friend Sarah has opened a new Etsy shop and has decided to host a giveaway at The Cottage Nest. Since you know we like to keep things simple here, the only rule is that you visit her shop and leave a comment here telling us what you liked the most by Thursday at midnight Eastern time and you will be eligible to win the lovely blue ball jar pictured above. Sigh. I love blue ball jars.
Usually I'm a good rule follower. It's in my DNA. This morning while I was browsing I just didn't have the strength to pick one favorite.

So I picked 3. Seriously, I just couldn't narrow it down any more than that. And this from someone who seems to have lost her will to shop. As soon as I'm done typing this post I'm going to have to sit on my hands to keep from hitting the "add to cart" button.

P.S. Sarah has free shipping for the month of May. Lucky for you! I'm lucky enough to get free shipping all year long because I can just meet her at the Village coffee shop. I guess that makes me double lucky.

P.S.S. Want a dose of great inspiration? Go check out her blog Trixie's Table. Tell her Jen sent you.

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