Friday, May 25, 2012

Perchance To Dream...

Posted on 10:45 AM by follow me

The divine Deana @ ALCHEMY FINE LIVING
our hostess for today's festivities, has asked us to
give our dreams wings...or at least pictures...and
share our dream home or locale. Since there
are 3 of us, this will give you an interesting look
into our personality disorders, I mean, personalities! ;)

Kae's dream home would be a yellow Victorian,
wraparound porch, gazebo in back. Very updated
plumbing and electric and a secret room somewhere.
And this home would be located on....

Maui...not to near, but not to far from
Lahaina (because that's where the
Burger King is and I would never visit
her otherwise!)

Now, Bee would want something newer...
open, airy, uncluttered! And all this tidiness
would be located on...

Balboa Island.
No parking, but a good candy store and lots
of fat cats (literally, fat cats, not rich people,
spoiled furry felines!) otherwise I would
never visit her!

OK, now my turn...

something simple...made of stone...

a shimmering loch...

fields of heather...

lonely moors...

cool weather and lots of rain...
pretty much a castle in Scotland, but
without their health care and taxes...
and that is kind of far away...
ok, looks like I have to stay here,
otherwise no one would ever visit me!

Be sure to head over to Deana's and delve
into more of your fellow blogger's dreams!

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