Monday, July 2, 2012

The Emblem of the Land I LOVE...and some questions answered!

Posted on 7:06 PM by follow me

So, as you all MUST know,
are honoring us all by hosting
And we are very honored to take part!!!!!
But we had to start on Monday to get
all our
pictures in!!!

current post is truly
Go check it out!!!

I have a friend who is about as patriot as you
can get (I almost hesitate to use that word as
it has become somewhat of a pejorative
lately...but he will take it as the high praise
it is intended to be!).
He keeps this little beauty in his office......
Yep! The entire wall! Kind cool, huh?
We know God has blessed America and we
pray He will continue to. We never forget
how blessed we are to have been born in the

Bee's home....

Kae's home...


This server is from
and believe you me, it's not the only cute
thing they carry!

This shell swag is from Oriental Trading Co.
my favorite place for tacky...and not so tacky
stuff!!!! I painted and glittered them though!!
And, I mix my own "pink", that's why it
always looks different...because it is. :)

This is actually wall paper, not bead board...but
what a cool idea!!! Pink bead board!

Yes, we are truly-live sisters, the same DNA
and all (but I am the cutest...don't tell my sister
I said that!).No, not for sale...I think I'll keep this little
monster! ( his tummy is really soft!)
OK, I know my last few posts have been
irritatingly LONG! But one last thing...
I had an amazing response to my June 17
post, so, I just want to let everyone know
that if you are having a GIVEAWAY or
know of someone who is...please just
"comment" and I will add you to my
sidebar to get the word out! The same
goes for "EVENTS" whether they are
weekly or special, just leave me a
"comment" and I will keep you listed for the
duration of your event!!!!
I hope this will keep more of us aware of
all the fun things that are going on in
blog land that we don't want to miss!!!
FYI: Joanne at

keeps a list as well, check it out!

Have a FUN & SAFE long weekend!!!!
And Happy Independence Day!!!!!!!!!!!

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