Sunday, July 1, 2012


Posted on 4:08 AM by follow me

Millie and I are pondering lots of things these days. She's wondering if I will look away from her long enough for her to pick the kitten's toy mouse up again. She's also wondering if she can get it before the kitten does. I'm pondering things less life changing but still important to me.

-Do you know where I can find a not-too-expensive fun silver necklace for every day wear? My default is always Etsy but I'm overwhelmed by the choices.

-If you had accidentally planted way more tomatoes than you could eat, what would you do with all the extras?

-Anyone know how to get rid of a sudden case of razor rash on the legs?

Okay. Your turn. Any ponderings for me? I'll get you started.

I know several of you want to know where my sunshine sign from the last post came from. You can find it here.

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