Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bella Bliss

Posted on 8:00 AM by follow me

I'm a Bella, she's a Bella, wouldn't you like to be a Bella too? It's official, I am finally going to Silver Bella. Cammy from Freckled Farm has decided she can put up with me for a few days and we are going to be roomies. A 3 day slumber party complete with shopping, food, wine and creating. What more could a girl want? Cammy and I are a lot alike in so many ways, we have discovered. One of many things we have in common is that we don't do much for ourselves, but spend our days taking care of others. That's about to change. Won't you join us and do something for yourself too?

I apologize in advance for blathering on about Silver Bella for the next 4 months. I will do my best to contain myself but, I make no promises. As for Cammy, well she has no self control at all so I don't speak for her.

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