Monday, August 20, 2012

Fresh Finds

Posted on 5:39 AM by follow me

Don't you hate when you go to someone's blog and they have a bunch of pictures posted of stuff they've bought and it makes you want nothing more than to go shopping? Yeah, well. Here you go. These are some of my finds from my antiquing day with Cammy while on vacation.

Love this crown crock. How have I never noticed these before? How can I be expected to resist anything with a crown?

I also get weak in the knees when I find honeycomb decorations and don't even get me started on shiny brite ornaments. These were a steal.

Cammy and I both suffer from the same affliction. That is, buying old hats so that we can decimate them for their flowers. Shameless.

I love this little quilting piece from a fair. It made me sad that someone gave it up. Don't worry Gladys Winter. I will take good care of it. Plus how could I resist that cute fair tag?

Oh look! Another crown! I love the little stapler and I'm hoping that the petite staples from the totally awesome McMaster and Storm will fit it. We also found some fun paper stuff including an old ledger book that we had to do unbelievable things to get. Let's just say that it involved Me, Cammy & a creepy old guy in the backroom of an antique store and leave it at that. Oh what a girl will do for old paper.

I also found these vintage flour sacks. Don't you just love the colors? I'm seeing pillows and embroidery samplers in their future.

I think antiquing with Cammy was the most shopping fun I've ever had. Did I mention that we were apparently antiquing in the middle of the town where Deliverance was filmed? Scary, but the prices were good, so it was totally worth it. It's nice to shop with someone that has the same taste as you, except that they always find something you wish you had found first. Lucky for us neither of us minds sharing.

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