Monday, August 20, 2012

Life is Full of Gifts

Posted on 6:11 AM by follow me

I received this wonderful handmade journal from Tracy at Simply Blissful. It is really so beautiful and you can tell the thought and effort that went into it. What a treat it is to own. I, for one, can never have enough journals. Thanks Tracy! I will always think of you when I use it.

This tote bag full of delicious goodies came from Deb at Deb's Life. This is the picture she took of them. You just can't believe all the goodies the girl packed into this bag and this adorable wood dress form is top quality, let me tell you. I can't wait to turn it into something wonderful for Emma's room. By the way, Emma loved everything in that bag almost as much as I did. Thanks Deb!

I received these vintage embossed fruit postcards from Carol at Raised in Cotton. This is her picture of these little lovelies as mine didn't do them justice. They are so beautiful. Thank you so much Carol! I will cherish them always.
And speaking of gifts. Some of you may remember my friend Carrie that I told you about before? Well, I am happy to tell you that she is thrilled to be expecting another girl in November. She surprised me with a little visit a week and half ago and let me tell you, she is radiant! She looks fantastic. If I had ever looked like that when I was pregnant, I probably would have had more babies!

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