Sunday, September 9, 2012

"Chintzy" is a Compliment!!!

Posted on 8:17 PM by follow me

As I am sure I have said about 500 times...

We collected until we couldn't collect anymore.
And, although we do have it here and there
in most rooms of the house ( we should do
a "Crazy Places We Have Chintz" post!)
but a lot of it spends its time put away &
out of sight...which is sad... and I sometimes
forget just how gorgeous it is!!!

So, this weekend when I was putting some things
in a kitchen cupboard, I re-discovered a stack
of chintz that I had not gazed upon for, possibly,
more than a year, and as I sat on my kitchen
floor and pulled out each piece, I "oooohed &
aaahhhed" for a full half hour (while two cats
waltzed in and out of the open cupboard!).

So, I thought I'd give you an "up-close & personal"
view of some of these gorgeous chintz patterns
so you can see just why we adore them!
Who can resist Marion, Roslynde & Sunshine...
alluring little minxes!!!!
My very favorite, English Roses...Please do
not buy it!!!! Just tell me where it is so I can!!!

And this amazing pre-WWII leaded periwinkle blue
is just a color that no one seems able to duplicate!!

The all-time favorite "Summertime"

And as odd as this may seem since this is very black...
I really love this pattern, Beeston, also!!! It's very
Mary Engelbreit-ish and the black background makes
the other colors really "POP" (I can't believe I just said

These are only a few of the many patterns made by
Royal Winton, Shelley & James Kent, etc. and if you
keep a sharp eye out, you can find some really great
deals since the popularity of chintz has waned a bit
these last few years. But it's still a favorite with us!!!!

OK, once again during my blog travels I came upon
a new-to-me blog called
and it seems that Layla
has actually made an audition tape to try out for HGTV's
Design Star!!! Now, I have just "met" Layla, so I am not
trying to whip up votes for her or anything, I just thought
it was pretty fun to watch and Layla sure is brave to even
try her hand at something like this!!! So, pop by if your
so might end up with the next Design Star
in your blog roll! :)

PS*** Linda @
is having a little give away!!

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