Friday, September 7, 2012

Old Fashioned Girl

Posted on 7:27 AM by follow me

I'm an old fashioned girl. I wish I had been born in a different time. The things that make me happiest are simple. I adore my family first and foremost. I am passionate about crafting, cooking, sewing, art, baking, gardenening and decorating. Being domestic is at the base of everything I love. These things are valuable to me. But clearly not to everyone I know. With Fall now upon us and both of my girls in school full time, the questions have begun.

What will you do now? When are you going back to work? What will you do all day? Sadly, there are people that think a stay-at-home mom has little value in today's society and a stay-at-home Mom whose children aren't even at home during the school day, has considerably less. Never mind that I do important things. Never mind that I freely give my time to my community, family and friends. I have a job. I just don't receive any monetary reward for it. The rewards I receive are far greater.

When did this noble profession become something that must be defended? Why should I have to explain myself to you? I love this job of being a Mommy and a caretaker. Most days it seems like what I was born to do. I was a full-time working Mom for the first 8 years. I choose this.

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