Thursday, September 6, 2012

Primp Your Stuff Wednesday Linky Party #12

Posted on 4:20 PM by follow me

Happy Wednesday!  It's time to party--linky style.  I am always so inspired by what you have to
share each week, and can't wait to see
what you have for me this week. 

Here are my favorites from last week's party:

Bad Rabbit Vintage primped an old dresser into this unique and fabulous take on the union jack.  I love how she used green and brown, and tweaked the traditional lines just a little.

Liz Marie Blog  switched things around in her entryway by combining a pretty and ornate gold mirror with a shabby aqua dresser, which is a seemingly opposite, yet perfect combination.  This is also a perfect example of primping your space with what you already have on hand, by just switching things around a bit.

Polish the Stars  made this really cute polaroid necklace.  I love how it is a modern take on the famous vintage polaroid picture, and something we might be able to recreate too.


Grab my button so others can join in on the fun!
<div align="center"><a 
href="" title="{Primp}"
alt="{Primp}" style="border:none;"

keep primping and link up,

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