Tuesday, October 30, 2012

*Happy Halloween*

Posted on 7:09 AM by follow me

Come Wizards, come Witches,
come Goblin & Fae
The time is nigh for Magic & Play

The Candles are lit and gleam in the Night
It’s time for all Broomsticks to rise
and take flight

Come dressed in your Cloaks,
fine Hats & array
And Drink & Be Merry ‘til night turns to day!

I love Halloween, so of course I love to dress the house in Halloween style!
Here are a few examples of the Halloween spookiness that is going on in our home.
Oh and the above little ditty was part of something I wrote last year for our Halloween Party invites!

The first photo is of a little primitive stichery I made and is hanging from our fireplace.
The little witches boots & hat I made last year, they are made with calico and then painted black once made up and then grubbied with a scented cinnamon & apple mixture ~ I found they still actually still smell delicious when I got them out for this year!

This is a bat that I made in the same way and he has red beads for eyes! He is hanging from the mirror in our living room!

Here are some bottles and jars that I made up last year too, all in the style of witches potions ~ these are standing on our dresser in the dining room.

Not to forget the trick or treaters we have lots of sugary goodness for them on a pumpkin plate waiting in our hallway, the sign is handmade by me too.
My broom is propped in the hallway also and my wonderful velvet witches hat is sitting close by too ready for me to take flight at any moment!
Anyhoot have a wonderfully wicked Halloween everyone & enjoy yourselves!

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