Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Apron that Almost Wasn't

Posted on 11:45 AM by follow me

Have you ever had one of those projects that just fought you from beginning to end? That's how this apron was for me. Quite honestly I've been thinking about this project for months. I never could get my fabrics to come together just right. I finally gave up and went out last week and bought some new fabrics and that helped. Until I actually started sewing it. I had no pattern. And I might add, no clue either. What I did have was a yucky virus which is what I'm going to blame all of the errors, ripped stitches, wrong machine settings and temper tantrums on. Now it's done and even though I pretty much hated it by the time I finished it, I think it's growing on me.

If you're like me you like detail, so here are some close ups. That little fleur-de-lis lovely is from a bag of buckles I got at a garage sale for .50. Yep, you heard me right. That picture below is the last minute towel loop I added. I tend to be messy in all of my endeavors, so it makes sense for a girl like me.

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