Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Lucky One

Posted on 11:50 AM by follow me

What a wonderful holiday we had! It was filled with family, good food and laughing children. What more could you want? I hope you all had a wonderful week filled with warm memories too. I can't believe I've been gone so long. I hope to make up for it by posting every day this week. I have lots to share!

I wanted to show you what I was lucky enough to receive from Jerusalem during the Happy Miscellany Swap hosted by Domestic Bliss. Jerusalem went all out for this swap and sent me so many wonderful goodies. I'm looking forward to finding ways to use it all. Love the banner she included and I'm having a hard time taking it down. It will soon be hanging in my studio, I think. Why save it for special occasions when I can celebrate myself each and every day? It was like Christmas opening up that package. Now I can't wait for the Holiday Helper swap that they are also hosting.

I was also lucky enough to win one of Charlotte Lyons Peace on Earth kits that she had left over from Silver Bella. I guess I can officially stop whining about not being a Bella this year. Charlotte, I hope to be there getting a kit from you in person next year. Until then, I'm patiently waiting and crossing my fingers, hoping the mailman will deliver my kit soon.

Last but not least I was thrilled to receive a copy of Houston House and Home from Joni at Cote De Texas. They recently featured her beautiful home in their magazine and I was so happy to hold the pictures in my hands. This picture is from her blog and is a sneak peek of the cover shot. Just gorgeous. If you aren't familiar with her blog, you should take a looksie. Eye candy galore!

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