Sunday, December 9, 2012

Art Apron

Posted on 4:14 AM by follow me

This is the apron I made to wear for Silver Bella. I just realized I didn't show it to you after I finished. I love aprons and own several. Different occasions, tasks and moods call for different aprons and a girls gotta be prepared. What is it about the way an apron makes you feel when you put it on? Like you are somehow more capable and better prepared to tackle whatever task lies ahead of you.

This is the 2nd apron I've made and it's by far my favorite. I'm not sure I'm done with it yet. I might continue to add to it a bit at a time. I love the rough edges, the fabrics that don't necessarily match, the odd bits and trims that I gathered up over time and that just sat waiting for their turn to be useful.

A scrap of fabric here, a bit of embroidery there. A favorite trim or button. I like the idea of it evolving over time and becoming a sampler of things I love. Kind of a history of creativity.
I love to wear it in the studio, storing my tools in the large pocket as I while away the hours but when it's not being worn it makes me just as happy hanging on a hook looking pretty.

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