Monday, December 10, 2012

The Week in Review

Posted on 7:34 AM by follow me

I have this feeling that December, and likely even January, will find me posting a lot of "week in review" posts. I've been saying since September that I was going to slow down. Turns out I'm a liar. While I would love to slow down, my life doesn't seem inclined to cooperate with me. On the plus side that means you will get a post chock full of pictures and ramblings. What's that you say? Maybe that's not so much a plus? Hmm.

 We had a lovely snow day last Saturday which was just perfect for putting us in the Christmas spirit. That day is actually getting it's own post hopefully later this weekend.

It does seem that simple is the trend this Christmas and that is the direction we went as well. It came more from a lack of space and not being able to dig our decorations out of storage than from an actual choice. However, I am enjoying the pared down look and not even close to getting tired of it all yet.

After some furniture removal we managed to wedge a small tree in our family room. I was really hoping to do a vintage theme on the tree but was completely outvoted. I love that they care so much so I saved all the vintage stuff for the studio which I will share soon. I also wanted to do all of the presents in plain paper and my little one would not stand for it so hello polka dots!

 In case we forget the words to our favorite Christmas song we can always refer to this. Don't laugh. That actually happened the other night when I was tucking Emma into bed and singing to her and she said go look at the chalkboard Mommy! I love Christmas decorating that is actually practical.

Emma and I made this wreath together. She did most of the hands on work. I love that every year when I unpack it I will get to relive that memory. Go here to see how to make your own. It was designed by one of my favorite artsy girls, Charlotte Lyons.

A little closeup of the pretty details.

In case you caught a glimpse of my adorable new accessory in the above picture, here she is ready for her close up. I'm just smitten and so glad I finally bought it. Seriously when you covet something for 2 years I think you deserve to just go ahead and own it. Tell your hubby I said it's okay. I guess that also means I should head to the camera shop for that new Canon...

Other than that, I've been doing a lot of knitting. And for the record I was a little over ambitious about how many handmade Christmas presents I could make this year. Okay maybe a lot over ambitious.

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