Friday, December 21, 2012


Posted on 1:32 PM by follow me

Yesterday was a big day for me. I am now officially the new face of 37. I think this will be my best year yet. Sweet Hubby reminds me that I say that every year, and my response is, that it's true every year. I have big hopes and dreams for myself this year. I think it's my year to shine.

It was a magical day from beginning to end- wonderful presents including a Hello Kitty waffle maker, wonderful books, rain boots and a new purse. Yay me. Of course it's not about the presents. Well, not entirely.
The day started with birthday waffles of course, followed by a trip to the book store to browse and drink coffee. After that window shopping at Anthropologie while Sweet Hubby acted like he wasn't even bored, and then lunch out. For dinner- a favorite burger place followed by the highlight of the day, a trip to The Flying Cupcake. Magical! I offered to move in. I think they thought my enthusiasm for the establishment was a bit scary. Seriously. Who could resist this place? Even Sweet Hubby wants to go for his birthday next month. I may never have to bake another birthday cake as long as I live.
Can you believe that silly man behind the counter thought he was going to give the Birthday Girl a plain strawberry cupcake with no pretty, twirly ballerina on top? What does he think I am? A grown up?
Here is Emma realizing she just made a terrible mistake by turning down a cupcake for an ice cream cone. Everybody knows that toppers are for cupcakes only. Sorry sucker. Better luck next time. Wanna look at my ballerina again?

Sweet Hubby insisted on buying me this little souvenir so that I would always remember this special day. As if I could forget.

Next time I'm coming home with one of these glittery Eiffel Towers for me and maybe one for Emma. If you come see me I promise to take you for a cupcake too.

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